Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Lately... i've been an expert.
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Keeping my fingers crossed
Monday, December 12, 2005
No... i'm not materialistic. Eventually we will all know what i'm talking about. All i can say is... "HAAAAAAY BUHAY!"
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
This is my opinion... pakelam mo!
Monday, November 07, 2005
Blast from the past

I got a text message from Elena asking me to meet up cuz Ferdie was in town. Ferdie is based in taiwan, so I immediately agreed! It was so nice to see them both again!! They got to meet jerome for the first time... and we were able to catch up on what's been going on in our lives.
When you try to live your life the best way you can, and you experince all these trials throughout the years, it changes you. You adjust to whatever life throws in your direction. All this time, i have forgotten who I was. How I was. Being with these two again reminded me of how life was when it was simpler. Not necessarily happier, no... just.. different. These two knew me way back in college and it was nice to hear from them that I haven't changed.. well.. i have changed..
thank you for reminding me who I was :)
Thursday, October 13, 2005
Back to reality

I've been in Manila a week now.. We arrived on a Wednesday, and didn't need to be at work til Monday.. so I had 4 days to spend with the fam..
Not a day was wasted! Everyday we went somewhere. It was nice being with my hubby and baby again after a couple of months. We bought a new digicam.. hence the new friendster photo :)
Anyway, the happiness came to an end when my baby got sick after our long rainy weekend. She's still sick, but hopefully she will get better... I feel partly at fault. She probably tired out over the weekend.
Love you baby gabby!
Thursday, September 29, 2005
Manila, I'm coming home!
obvious ba na ang takaw ko? :)
Let's sing! "Hinahanap hanap kita Manila, and himig mo'y kay sarap sa tenga... Mga jeepney mong nagliliparan... mga babae mong nag gagandahan (pauwi na!heheheh)..."
Saturday, September 17, 2005
Truly Memorable

Sydney was fun! The Opera house was really breathtaking. I've only seen it on TV and magazines, but seeing it for real was really something... I was even tempted to watch one of the plays they had going on inside.. but it was too expensive, so I settled for picture taking :)
We also went to the Sydney Aquarium at Darling Harbour. At first I thought it was pretty corny. But once you're inside, it was nice. Especially the last part where you get to stare at the big 'ol aquarium full of different fishes and other stuff.
The food in Sydney was also good! Seafood places everywhere! It was DEFINITELY the highlight of my trip. Which is hard to measure because we are having so much fun here. Well, I'll be posting more Sydney pics soon! Hopefully, the next blog is about going home! :) YIPEEEEE!!!
Monday, September 05, 2005
Counting the days

Ok. It's September. I am now officially counting the days til I go home. I'm now optimistic because I know that it won't be long until I'm with my family again!! People tell me not to count the days because it will seem longer... I don't care! Til then, I will enjoy myself here. Next week we will be going to SYDNEY!!! Yahoo!! 4 days of rest, relaxation, and sightseeing! I can't wait! After that, 3 more weeks.. then I go home!!!
Here's a few pics on our first gimmik night @ Brekky Creek. One already posted.
Friday, August 26, 2005
The Aussie Life
We've been having a great time here and they are one of the reasons why. We really have to return the favor when they go to manila!
Saturday, August 13, 2005
We were supposed to go home for a week, but we were only given single entry visas, so it was decided that we just stay for the whole 2 months. What are we going to do during our break? Well, we're going to Sydney! Our clients will be sending us to Sydney for a few days of R&R. Accomodations, food and transportation will be taken cared of.... we are all so thankful.
In the meantime, here I am texting and calling away like there's no tomorrow. I am now a vodafone/optus user. Texting has been my comfort. It's the main line of communication I have with my family back home.
Yes, all i do here is EAT!!! I have been living like a PIG for the past week! I really need to slow down. hahahaha. It's a good thing that it's australian culture to walk everywhere so I get to do some exercise.
Everyday we go to the office (10 minute walk from the apartment) at 830 and stay there til 430. Then it's free time! Well, that's my trip so far.. check out my friendster for some pics.. and I've posted the link to yahoo photos on the bulletin board.
I miss everyone terribly... Hope everyone is surviving without me! hahahaha
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
It's official...

I will be leaving for Brisbane this friday night. Will be staying there for 2 months, with a 4 day leave in between. I'm going to miss my baby and hubby soooooo much!! :(
I was told that we have a full itinerary during our stay.. even on weekends. So I guess that's good. Won't have to dwell on my depression of being away from the fam..
It's my first time going down under. I hope it's a nice visit. Of course, I'm there to work too.. Let's not forget that! I've been looking up some stuff about Brisbane, and it seems like a cool place. I also like the place where we're going to live. It looks good on pictures, let's see if it's the same in actuality.
Thursday, July 28, 2005
Getting back in the groove
Was admitted at St. Lukes last Monday. It was just a minor procedure. Spent 10 hours in the hospital and was eventually sent home. Hubby was waiting... not the whole time, but he waited. I felt special because he HATES waiting... and he had no choice! hahahaha!
He stayed home from work, and took care of me. I thought he was sweet because he slept between me and the baby so gabby couldn't kick me... He got up at night and brought me my medicine along with a glass of water (awwww). He even gets mad when I carry heavy stuff cuz I'm not supposed to.
I know.. I know.. i'm over-reacting. But he rarely does things for me, so these little gestures I appreciate :)
I'm gonna miss gabby and hubby sooo much if/when I leave :(
Saturday, July 16, 2005
Unexpected 3-day weekend
To the people who are moving on.. you know who you are.. Enjoy the new challenges ahead! I will miss you guys...
It's 3:30 am. My baby's sleeping on my lap, chatting with hubby, and I'm hungry. Haven't had anything to eat since lunch.... ala lang.
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Identity Crisis
Oh well, at least they can get married and have kids :) (buntis si daddy!)
Thursday, July 07, 2005
Song Recommendation
Please download this song here: (Right click, choose "Save Target As")
Good lyrics. Good music. 'Nuff said.
by Lifehouse
Find me here
Speak to meI want to feel you
I need to hear you
You are the light
That is leading me to the place where I find peace again
You are the strength that keeps me walking
You are the hope that keeps me trusting
You are the life to my soul
You are my purpose
You are everything
And how can I stand here with you and not be moved by you
Would you tell me how could it be any better than this
You calm the storms
You give me rest
You hold me in your hands
You won’t let me fall
You steal my heart and you take my breath away
Would you take me inWould you take me deeper now’cause you’re all I want
You are all I need
You are everything, everything
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
Clue in

It's been a while since I last updated this thing... here's a quick summary:
A very short vacation somewhere cold..Every day at work is a clone of the previous one.A new schedule that's repulsive. I'm counting the days to normalcy.
..and most important update of all...
GABBY STARTED WALKING... the feeling of seeing your first born take her first steps is surreal. Which reminded me of this quote:
"You spend the first 2 years of their life teaching then to walk and talk. Then you spend the next 16 telling them to sit down and shut-up!" :)
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
Heartbreaking bliss
I remember a phone conversation I had with a guy friend of mine. We were talking about how head over heels in love he was about this girl.
To the outside eye, he would look like a fool. A poor dog who follows his master around, waiting on her hand and foot. A fool who would let this person treat him like crap.
Everyone told him to stop. Look for another. Move on... (they were exes, by the way) but no.
So, back to the phone conversation. We used to be on the same boat. We were trying to analyze why we let these people do this to us. He said he didn't know why. I did...
I figured out that... no matter how much you know it's wrong, no matter how you know everyone will see you as matter how MAD your friends will be when they find out you're with that person......(again)
it's the FEELING YOU HAVE when you're with that person... at that moment...every moment..
ecstasy.bliss.euphoria.intoxication.fervor.. whatever you want to call it.
makes all the 'no matters', worthwhile.
Saturday, June 04, 2005
I'm planning on spending my days off with my beautiful family.. Maybe take a drive with my hubby while listening to You and Me by Lifehouse..
Life is good.. especially when you're married to the right person :) (walang kokontra!hahahaha)
Tuesday, May 31, 2005
Unstrung, I am not
A lot of people who I used to manage before have gone on and climbed that ladder, surpassing even me. People tell me that it's an underachievement of mine.
I do not falter, for I feel it's the total opposite.
Nothing makes me more proud to see them surpass me. These people are my accomplishments, my rewards, my acquisitions.
Climb on. :)
Thursday, May 26, 2005
There's gotta be more to life
When I was a kid, I had all these big dreams of becoming someone that helps out mankind. The kind of person that makes a difference. Never did I think about monetary compensation. But now, I consider myself an avid member of PLAK (Pera lang ang katapat).
But hey, people say we have to be practical. Being a working mom, i believe that. The cost of living here in the Philippines is going way up and salaries are staying the same.
So, I guess I should say: There's gotta be more to life here in the Philippines...
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
Burnt but not bitter
I was watching Oprah this morning and it was about men who were caught cheating. How they got caught, what they felt during the affair, stuff like that. I watched the whole show because I can relate to these women.
Yes, I was one of the many women who was cheated on. A statistic.
Not by my husband, but by someone from a previous relationship. It was THE hardest thing I had to go through. I have never been cheated on before, and all those feelings I felt were new to me. It took 3 to 4 years for me to get over the angst, before I can truly say that I forgave him. A long time, i know.
I don't want to elaborate further, but going through that experince has made me a better person. You see things differently. For me, being cheated on is a sort of test to the "real relationship world". It could make or break you.
I passed with flying colors.
Tuesday, May 24, 2005
My Catharsis
I looked through other blogs to get an idea on what this was all about. Surprisingly, i liked the idea that it can be about anything and everything you want. Which I found very interesting and liberating.
I also noticed that there are different types of 'blogsters' (if there is such a word). There were some who were really eloquent. Some where poetic, some were funny, and some who were just too deep for me to relate to.
As I am typing this, I have made up my mind to try out this blog thing. I don't expect anyone to read it, and I don't really care if no one ever does. I see it as a form of catharsis. MY catharsis.