Tuesday, October 17, 2006

final interviews

Doesn't it seem harsh that a person's life is sort of in your hands when doing these things? I know how important a job is to a person, and having that much power to affect a person's life is really scary.

But of course you have to be realistic. At the end of the day, it's a business, and you have to take care of that business. You have to get people that you know will work with you in acheiving goals.

I hate parasite agents who just jump from call center to call center. To them, their job is just a meal ticket. That, if they have enough money, they won't go to work or just slack off. Milk the company for whatever it's worth and apply at another call center again to do the same thing.
Haaay. What do these kids want to do with their lives? I know they're young and want to have fun... but I had fun when I was young too but I didn't fuck up my job.

Ok, I'm ranting now. Didn't mean to do that at the start of this blog. I guess I see a lot of potential in young people that is totally wasted.

Sigh. If only we could see this during final interviews... my life would be SO MUCH EASIER.

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